Unlocking Vital Information: How Viagra Kills Kenyan Men

Unlocking Vital Information: How Viagra Kills Kenyan Men

Viagra (Sildenafil), one of the oldest babes in town has proven to be a menace not only to Kenya but to the rest of the world. The menace began subconsciously when the drug received FDA approval back in 1998.

The blue pill was initially invented to treat a cardiac condition known as pulmonary hypertension. It was then noted that one of its side effects was priapism, an abnormal erection, but later on, it was incorporated to treat erectile dysfunction in men.

With its ability to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) and restore men’s sexual confidence, Viagra has changed the game for many. However, this beacon of hope has turned out to be a tragedy with daily newsreels reeling out cases of deaths, especially in older individuals.

How Does Viagra Work?

Viagra is a prescription drug used to treat erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction occurs when there is reduced blood flow to the penis due to certain conditions like diabetes, hardened arteries, and heart diseases. Viagra causes an increase in blood flow to the penis, enabling a man to attain and maintain an erection.

The drug usually starts working in 30 to 60 minutes, making it a good choice for spontaneity. It is usually regarded as safe when taken as directed and under a doctor’s care. However, it might not be appropriate for everyone, therefore seeing a doctor is crucial.

Depending on the individual, a different dosage of Viagra may be necessary. Usually, a 50mg starting dose is advised; however, this can be changed depending on each patient’s response. It’s important to speak with a doctor before starting Viagra or changing your dosage.

Viagra’s effects persist for roughly four hours and should be taken an hour before planned sexual activity. To reduce the chance of adverse effects, don’t take more than one dose in 24 hours.

Possible Adverse Effects

Viagra can cause adverse effects like headache, flushing, upset stomach, and nasal congestion, just like any other medication. Most of the time, these side effects are minor and transient. However, more serious side effects might occasionally happen, so it’s important to see a doctor if you have any strange symptoms.

How Does Viagra Kill?

When used appropriately, Viagra does not cause any fatalities. Many men who die from Viagra usage have either used the drug without a prescription, overdosed, or taken the drugs concurrently with other cardiac medications such as blood pressure-lowering medications, and nitroglycerin.

Viagra generally lowers the blood pressure throughout the body and consequently, vital organs such as the brain and heart will experience reduced blood flow and this may result in death.


For millions of men with erectile dysfunction, Viagra has been a dependable and efficient treatment. Even though it has many advantages, it is crucial to use it properly and by medical recommendations and regulations. People can choose to take Viagra or not based on their awareness of how it functions and its possible advantages.


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