


Rhinitis is a group of disorders characterized by the inflammation and irritation of the nasal mucous membrane. The mucus membranes lining the nasal passages become inflamed congested and edematous. The swollen nasal conchae block the sinus openings and mucus is discharged from the nostrils. Rhino sinusitis is the term used to describe inflammation and congestion

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8 Types of Family Structures

8 Types of Family Structures

A family is a structure of interpersonal relationships that offer the material and psychological support necessary for social functioning. Family bonds are not limited to blood relations. As a nurse looking for children, you may face a different set of difficulties depending on the kind of family. Remember to inquire about household members when taking

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Dehydration, also called hypohydration, refers to the loss of water to below optimum levels in the body. When this occurs, the body processes are disrupted and illnesses may start to manifest. Pathophysiology of Dehydration Under normal circumstances, body water is usually lost through the kidneys, skin, lungs and gastrointestinal tract, hence it needs to be

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The Nursing Process (ADPIE)

The Nursing Process

The Nursing Process is described as the deliberate approach to meeting people’s health care and nursing needs. This approach was introduced in 1958 by Ida Jean Orlando, adopting the scientific methods of observing, measuring, gathering data, and analyzing findings. She restructured these methods into 5 steps which include assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation

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Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach(gastric) mucosa. The inflammation may be localized or scattered throughout the stomach lining. Classification of Gastritis Acute gastritis. It is mostly transient and self-limiting in nature; lasting for several hours to a few days and its symptoms appear rapidly. It may be referred to as erosive or non-erosive depending

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Cerumen Impaction

cerumen Impaction

Cerumen(earwax) impaction is the excessive accumulation of cerumen in the external ear canal. Ear wax protect the ear from dirt and infections and often does not need to be manually removed. However, in cases of cerumen impaction, removal is necessary. Causes of Cerumen Impaction Causes of cerumen impaction include; Pathophysiology Ear wax are produced by

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