Communicable diseases, also known as infectious diseases, are illnesses caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi that can be transmitted from one person to another, directly or indirectly. These diseases spread through various means including air, water, food, bodily fluids, or contact with contaminated surfaces. Examples of communicable diseases include the common cold, influenza, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and COVID-19. Control and prevention of communicable diseases often involve measures such as vaccination, hygiene practices, quarantine, and treatment of infected individuals.
As of 2019 estimates, there are 9 million cases of typhoid fever annually, resulting in about 110 000 deaths per year according to WHO. What is Typhoid Fever? Typhoid fever (also known as enteric fever) is a severe systemic infection caused by the Gram-negative bacterium Salmonella typhi. Epidemiology Improved living conditions and the introduction of antibiotics resulted […]