Felix Onyango, RN

Acute Otitis Media (AOM)

Acute Otitis Media

Acute otitis media is the most often diagnosed childhood disease. It is most frequent in children aged 6 months to 3 years and uncommon after age 8. The incidence is highest during the winter months. Breastfeeding infants have a lower incidence than formula-fed infants because breast milk boosts immunity, which protects the eustachian tube and […]

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Theories Of Development

Theories of Development

Definition Theories of development are frameworks or perspectives that seek to explain how and why humans grow, evolve, and develop throughout their lives. These theories are frequently utilized in the domains of psychology, sociology, anthropology, and education to analyze many aspects of human development. Some of these theories include: Psychosocial Development Theory This theory was

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Typhoid Fever

Typhoid Fever

As of 2019 estimates, there are 9 million cases of typhoid fever annually, resulting in about 110 000 deaths per year according to WHO. What is Typhoid Fever? Typhoid fever (also known as enteric fever) is a severe systemic infection caused by the Gram-negative bacterium Salmonella typhi. Epidemiology Improved living conditions and the introduction of antibiotics resulted

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Nursing Theories

Nursing Theories

Nursing theories aid in the direction and definition of nursing care, as well as the establishment of clinical decision-making principles. What are Nursing Theories? Nursing theories are organized bodies of knowledge that guide nursing practice. Nursing is a distinct discipline separate from medicine. It has its own body of knowledge that guides care delivery. To distinguish

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Combined Oral Contraceptives

Combined Oral Contraceptives

Combined oral contraceptives, also called “the pill” have been in use for the past half a century. What are Combined Oral Contraceptives (COCs)? Combination oral contraceptives are synthetic pills that mimic woman’s natural hormones, progesterone (progestin) and estrogen. They are usually packaged in packs of 21 or 28 tablets. Only the first 21 pills in

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Creatinine Test

Creatinine test

Creatinine test is used to measure the level of creatinine in the body. Creatinine is a product of metabolism of creatine from muscles and proteins. Creatine is mostly found in the muscles where it participates in metabolic reactions requiring energy. The amount of creatinine produced in the body is directly proportional to the skeletal muscle

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9 Rights of Medication Administration

Rights of Medication Administration

Errors around drug administration are the most common types of medication errors in many health care settings. They may at times lead to permanent disability and fatalities in patients. The Rights of Medication Administration Tool is a set of steps that helps the health care worker to administer patients’ medications the right way. The nine

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Rhinitis is a group of disorders characterized by the inflammation and irritation of the nasal mucous membrane. The mucus membranes lining the nasal passages become inflamed congested and edematous. The swollen nasal conchae block the sinus openings and mucus is discharged from the nostrils. Rhino sinusitis is the term used to describe inflammation and congestion

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