September 2023

8 Quality Reasons Why You Need Onions In Your Diet


Did you know that onions have a myriad of benefits other than to add flavor to food? Research has rolled out eight major important benefits that onions have on your body. Before we check them out, let’s learn something about onions. Introduction Onions are bulbous vegetables that belong to the Allium genus of plants, which […]

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Unlocking Vital Information: How Viagra Kills Kenyan Men

Unlocking Vital Information: How Viagra Kills Kenyan Men

Viagra (Sildenafil), one of the oldest babes in town has proven to be a menace not only to Kenya but to the rest of the world. The menace began subconsciously when the drug received FDA approval back in 1998. The blue pill was initially invented to treat a cardiac condition known as pulmonary hypertension. It

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Understanding Vision Changes in Pregnancy

Vision changes in pregnancy

Did you know that you can experience vision changes during pregnancy? Here’s how. Pregnancy-related vision impairments are generally common and are caused by changes in blood circulation, fluid retention, and hormone levels. This is because the body tries to adjust itself to accommodate the growing fetus. These modifications occur alongside other body changes during pregnancy

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